Friday, October 2, 2020

Needing You

 2:30 in the morning. You need me, I need you too. My eyes take a moment to adjust and my body can barely make it down the hall in a straight line. You reach your little arms around me and breath into my neck. I rock back and forth on my unsteady feet. We hum the “night-night” song together, in soft breaths and off pitched tunes. You hold me and I hold you. 

“I don’t let my kids sleep in my bed…” My kids have been in my bed more in the last two months than their whole lives. Going back to work has rocked our worlds. They need me, and I need them. A couple extra minutes together won’t hurt anyone. 

Walking through the door after a long day and hearing squeals and getting hugs is just what we need. I have to make dinner, “do you want to help?” The crying starts about now. The arguing over who gets to be my helper starts about now. You need me, and I need you. 

“Mommy, I don’t want you to go tomorrow”, you say as I kiss you goodnight. Everyone is sick in the house and we all need each other a little more than usual. I stay in bed with you for a couple extra minutes. You need me, and I need you.

We’ve been up all night with a baby that just wants to be close. You finally are at peace, my mind is racing, my body tired. I get up and go downstairs, it’s 4:00 AM.

I tell myself, “today I will be the Mom they need, I will be here when they wake up because they need me, and I need them.

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