Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Planting flowers in the rain

Sometimes my head is spinning by the time I lay down at night. This is not because my day has been hectic or bothersome; just busy. It occurred to me today that I cannot do things like I used to do, pre babies. Although, it seems as though I am killing myself to try...

Rewind to earlier this afternoon.

After work today I ran a few errands and came home to my perfect little girls. We played for a bit and then it was nap time.

(We recently just tore out all of our front landscaping because it was atrocious.)

I had just bought the new perennials to plant, but had originally told Josh to just have his landscaping buddy come over to help.

Well, because I have a serious problem with leaving things unfinished I decided while the girls napped I would just go plant the one side. The sun was out, and I thought it wouldn't take me too long to complete that goal...

Ohio weather is truly THE WORST! I get out there and am roughly done planting my new Hydrangea when it begins to sprinkle. I think, "it will pass, the suns out, it's not going to rain hard." I continue and begin planting my new Lazy Susans. "The rain drops are getting bigger, this sucks, I can't stop now!" I realized while I was ferociously planting that if I didn't finish right now, in the rain, I wouldn't have time later because...babies!

I finished planting all 10 plants in the pouring rain.

You're wondering why does this have anything to do with the girls?

Well, it has everything to do with the girls. I would rather plant flowers in the rain and get anything I can done while they are asleep, than waste a second of the time I have with them when they are awake!

My house might not be in perfect shape, my yard might not look awesome (in progress :)), I might have laundry piled up, or the bills might not have gotten paid. But, I realize that I fly around like a lunatic because every second counts, and if I can be with my girls I want to be with my girls. The other stuff will get done when it gets done! (Especially those pesky bills...)

Luckily a little rain didn't kill me, and the sun is shining again now, just in time for my girls to wake up and go swing outside!

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