Monday, August 19, 2024

You are valuable

 Tomorrow starts a new school year. Jack you start Kindergarten and girls you will be 3rd graders in a new building. New challenges, new people, new atmospheres. It will all be new. 

School has been such a wonderful place for you girls so far, you have grown as individuals, and I love watching you learn and grow as people. We are excited to hear about Jack's first day and watch as he grows this year. 

While I love your growing minds and your education, I love your growing character more. 

My wish this year is that my 3rd graders do not struggle with the anxiety of not being "smart enough" to pass a test. Your value is not measured by a test score. It is not my end goal to "grow up" test passers. It is my goal to help you grow up to be aware of your value without basing it on tests or really any accolade. School can be a great place and can produce students that thrive. It has been that for us so far. I hope as the years go on the pressure to have high test scores, adhere to all of the rules and please everyone else doesn't take away from your own intrinsic wants. I hope that you just want your test scores to show what you know. I hope that you find value in being respectful to others because you want to form meaningful relationships. And, lastly for you to have the self-assurance to know that your job is to please yourself before worrying about anyone else's opinion. 

After getting you fed, getting to open house, packing your lunches laying out your outfits, getting showers, and having a few minutes snuggled in bed together. I tucked you all in and spent a little extra time on each of you. Ella, you needed to hear from me that you are not compared to your sister. You do well in school and I am proud of you for being who you are. Your empathy and compassion for people is your superpower. Ava, you needed to hear that it is ok to be nervous and nervous feelings sometimes make us treat the people we love not very nicely. You needed to hear that hard moments won't take my love away, even when I react and am upset. My love is not something that needs to be earned. Jack, you needed to hear that you are special, kind, and a great listener. You needed to hear that the unknown is a great adventure to be had and you are so lucky to get to go on that adventure tomorrow. 

I tucked you in and did the last few night-before-school things. I sat down to write this and opened and shut it twice. Sometimes, I tell myself that my thoughts aren't worth writing down, or I have so many other things that need done nothing that I could possibly say is more important than my list. 

These letters are for you. We will always have pictures but the words from the people who "grew you up" and loved you most, seem so much more important once I see them on paper. 

To another year of growth, adventure, and learning who we are. You are so loved and your lives are valuable no matter what you do or how you perform.

All my love,


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