Saturday, March 9, 2019

Easy like "Saturday" Morning

This morning was basically perfection with you...

You woke up after 8:00! You came in to tell us that your clock was green (it means you can get out of bed). You jumped into bed with us and gave us some cuddles. You were the most pleasant creatures ever!

We ate breakfast together at the table and talked about what our day would be like. You played in the tub for at least a half hour, while I took a shower and got a few things picked up. You helped me in Jack's room, admiring all of his "cute" clothes. You told me how he was going to be your baby and you'd dress him up and hold him.

Some days with you are just too picture perfect to even describe!

Let's be real though...

There are two of you and you are 3. Your emotions are so big right now, they consume all of you! Your "twin world" has gotten you into some trouble recently. You guys aren't afraid to embark on any "challenge" and or "feat" as long as you are together. The phrase, "partners in crime" is real! Your wildness is out of this world and if not contained, things get crazy. Bounce houses get tipped over (while in them), dads get power bombed, and there are so many messes!

You both take turns pushing limits, showing your strong will, and melting down. You are constantly showing us and reminding us that you are 3. Your emotions are so impressive these days; it's almost like living with two people with split personalities.

This is often not pretty.
This is what most days look like.
My energy level is at an all time low.
My body physically cannot do things it thinks it can.
I work all day.
I come home and cook.
We play hard.
We get baths.
We snuggle.

Some days with you are just too picture perfect to even describe.

You've gotten to this part and you're thinking, "she's lost it", "she's for sure gone mad!"

I am not saying this because I enjoy these crazy days like I enjoy our "easy Saturday mornings".

But, I do enjoy these days. The tired. The pain. The crazy. The emotions. All of these things I begged to have about 5 years ago. These are our memories in the making; the good, the bad, and the ugly!

I will always love our time together, even when it's hard. My "love" looks different on different days. But, at night when I lay in bed and think about why I am so exhausted and in physical pain (Jack already wreaking havoc) I love that you are my reasons for it all.

If we think right now is hard...I cannot imagine how we will feel in roughly 11 days when we add another...

No matter what you "throw" at me, you all will always be my "Easy like Saturday Mornings".

On a side note--Jack let's get this show on the road buddy...we are MORE than ready to meet your sweet soul!

All my love,

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