Thursday, September 22, 2016

Nine months

It took a little less than 9 months to grow two babies, and we made it through that...

Now we have two 9 month old babies! How in the world did that happen?

It's been awhile and I apologize. Between being back at work, and wanting to spend my time with my girls when I get home, and the passing of my Grandma it has been a busy time here.

The girls are 9 months old now! Ella is crawling all over the house. She loves to crawl into the kitchen, and has just started making her way down the hallway. If she wants be somewhere, and or wants to get something; she will. She loves to be standing up and tries to pull herself up often. Ella is also starting to do a much better job at feeding herself, and figuring out her sippy cup. She is still obsessed with the tv and Mickey Mouse. She loves to laugh and scream and especially enjoys looking at herself in the mirror! Ella has just recently decided that she likes to sit next you on the couch instead of in your lap...what a big girl! :-(

Ava had her eye surgery and is doing great! Her eyes are perfect. Due to the way her little face is made it will still look to some people that she is a little crossed. Once she outgrows her baby face and starts to look more like a toddler that will go away. Ava's left hip socket is finally starting to form! This is great news. Once it is formed and the bones fuse she will not need a brace anymore. This could take a while, and she will still most likely be in some type of brace until she is 1. He did say that once she starts wanting to walk we can put her in a brace that she will be able to walk in. Ava loves to interact with her sister, and finds great joy in watching Ella. She also loves looking at herself in the mirror and sitting up. Ava is full of pure sugar, she is the sweetest thing and is so gentle. She loves to hold your face with her little hand and loves for you to kiss her palms. She still loves to be rocked and held.

These ladies are still little peanuts wearing size 2 diapers, and 6-9 month sizes, but they are meeting milestones and learning something new everyday. "And though they be but little, they are fierce."

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