Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Training humans

Training humans to be humans is like real hard.

The first 15 minutes of potty training twins, felt very similar to what the first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan felt like. D-Day--War Zone. 

We thought we were prepared.
We read the books. 
I asked my Mom friends.

Pee everywhere. 
No one knew that peeing was a thing until that morning. They were peeing everywhere. They would pee standing up, sitting down, standing on their heads...

I actually said after like 15 minutes (no joke); "we can't do this, they can wear diapers forever!"

Luckily, at that moment Josh still was sane and he walked me off my ledge.  (Thankful to a husband who is willing to be such a great partner in all things.)

We decided to do one of the "techniques" we had heard other people have success with. A Potty Party! 

Yes, we basically secluded ourselves and the girls into our bathroom for 3 days and watched them like hawks. We learned their cues, we learned about how long they can hold it, and they were close to the potty and on a flooring that was way easier to clean! It sounded crazy to me then, still does now, but it worked for us, and I am so glad that we did it! Weirdly enough the girls were great, no complaining about being in the bathroom all day! We brought in toys, and books, and everything we could think of to keep ourselves occupied.

This method is definitely not for the faint of heart. It's exhausting! With two, I really do not know how else we could have done it though.

Now, we are not fully potty trained by any means at this point. It's going to take us more than 3 days to actually get them into the "practice" of doing this "act" every time they have to go potty. BUT, progress happened and is continuing to happen!!

Ava is really catching on and is telling us when she needs to go. Ella...she is the most stubborn little stinker in the world! She has made progress but, you know, on her own terms, not ours. Girlfriend has things to do! 

I am very impressed with how our two (almost) 23 month olds are doing. They are still babies to me. How in the world are they big enough to use the potty already? 

To all of those who are reading this and have already successfully potty trained a child or children kudos to you! It's hard! 

Hoping to check this potty training thing off our list of things to do when training humans. Girls keep up the good work! 

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