I am not sure how this time has passed so quickly! You are almost 2 now!! You are doing new things literally every hour and growing just as fast! You are quite possibly the most fun people to hang out with EVER, you are hilarious, adventurous, and so full of love.
Ella you are showing your attitude more and more, and girl, can I just say; it'd be cool with me if you could cool that down a bit! You are definitely aware of what you want and what you don't want.
Luckily that is typical for toddlers so, I am not too worried about this following into your teen years.... (Don't let me down!!) :) You are full of spunk and love right now and we love every ounce of you! You love stickers, your dog dogs, ducks, and your dolly. You sign and say please and thank you like such a lady; even when you are throwing a tantrum you use your manners! Your golden head full of curls, and sparkly blue eyes make you even more hard to say no to. You are just the most delightful, full spirited little thing I've ever laid my eyes on.
Ava you sweet little thing you... You are going through a "mommy phase," I can't say that I hate it! You got your brace off this month and are already starting to walk by yourself! You are our determined little lady! We have seen you bloom into this little girl who is full of wonder and excitement for new things. We went to the beach this month and you had no fear pushing your little walker into the ocean waves. You love your sister, and your Hillis dog is still your best pal. You couldn't live without your Minnie (I have a feeling she will be sewn into your wedding gown one day.), and you love any little thing you can grasp and hold onto with both hands. It seems that at the ripe age of 1 1/2 that you actually have a more experienced palette than your mother. You are an eating machine and a delight to take out to restaurants. (Talk to your sister about this will ya!) If I could just sprinkle a little of your scrunched nose smile on the world every morning all would be good!
I realize that 1 1/2 is so very young but I can't help but wonder what you will be like when you grow up and if any of the temperaments we see now will follow you into adulthood.
I hope very much that they will...
We joke about how sassy you are Ella. We joke so we don't cry! Toddlers are hard "creatures to tame"especially hard headed toddlers like yourself. This "sassiness" is going make you an amazing, successful, and happy woman someday. You have a lot of your Uncle Zach in you. (He can touch on that more later ;-)) I hope that your spirit continues to stay wild but your heart as full of love as it is now.
Ava if you stay as sweet as you are as an adult I see you being the best Kindergarten teacher in all of the world! In all reality no matter what you choose to do as a profession you will change lives with just a smile. Your determination is something that I like to think you got from me. Don't ever loose that. Life is hard-it's the only one you've got though so, keep on pushing through it'll be worth it every time!
You are so loved and everyone's love for you just keeps getting deeper and deeper as we learn you and we watch your story unfold!
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