Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Let me cut your blueberries in half...

Well, it has officially been a year! We made it through the really hard, scary days, onto the not so scary but still hard days, and then onto the fun! I am sure we will have many more of all of these kinds of days. But, today I am thankful for the 365 that we've made it through. 

A year ago all of my guts were laying on a table next to me while my husband watched, and two doctors pulled two babies out of me.

Yeah that happened...just as graphically as I can put it.

I, Meghan Barnes, gave birth to not just one baby, but two!! Who woulda' thought?

And thank god that I did.

I cannot imagine my life without my girls. A year ago my life was pretty good, I thought I knew what happiness, contentment, and love were.

I didn't...I had not the slightest idea.

Now I do, and each day I understand more and more.

Being a mom is the most wonderful thing that I have ever done. It is the greatest, hardest, most exhausting job I've ever had and,  I am only 1 year in.

What an amazing feeling, knowing that I get to spend a lifetime doing this job! 

At 12 months the girls are both so busy; very much mobile, curious, and wild. Developmentally things are changing and happening at such a quick pace now, that if you blink an eye you'll miss something new. 
Our little hurricane (Ella) is Mommy's girl and so full of love and joy that it's truly contagious. Ava is our sweet mousy girl who's little grin can make just about anyone melt.

Both girls have found their own in themselves and I LOVE watching it come out more and more as they grow. 

They are both slowly becoming more and more independent and need me a little less. 

My, how quickly babies turn into little people with their own agendas and wants

Where did my babies go?

As we are starting to give more and more finger foods I realized that both girls absolutely LOVE blueberries. I cut each blueberry in half for them. (Every mom has some "thing" that completely terrifies them---choking is maybe my "thing".) I realized that we have given the girls things that are bigger than blueberries and they do fine; I could probably quit the quite tedious task of cutting blueberries in half for them...

All these things you do for your baby over just a 12 month span change and or stop so much more quickly than I am ever prepared for...

I think I will continue cutting their blueberries in half and hold on to this "babyhood" thing a little longer though. I need to savor every last drop of this time with them!

365 days around the sun again, and this year has felt like nothin'. 

Thankful for each and every moment as we begin year 2 of this story we are writing together.  Loving you so much tonight that it hurts. <3 

Happiest of Birthdays to you Ava and Ella, I'll cut your blueberries in half as long as you'll let me...

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