Wednesday, November 9, 2016

You are powerful

As a "new" Mom everything I do or think seems to fall back to you both. The choices I make at work when I am working with my students, the things I say or do to other people, and then the bigger choices... 

Like voting for our next president. 

I think of you.

Your lives are just beginning. Your big, beautiful, wonderful, full lives are starting. 

I voted with you in mind.

I voted for a candidate who I felt had you both in their best interests. I voted for a candidate who I felt was respectful, wise, and capable. I voted for a woman. The first woman to ever be elected to a major party. 

Your lives are just beginning, I am afraid of everything that could ever go wrong or hurt you. I have nightmares about things like this. 

I voted with you in mind. 

And now; I am just terrified.
Sometimes life doesn't always work out the way you want it to. Sometimes life throws curveballs. All of these things scare me. How can I protect you from this? Well... I can't. But, I can teach you...

I've said this before and will say it to you until I leave this earth.

I am here to guide you, love you, and care for you the best way that I can. I am here to teach you how to be kind, gentle, loving, and to understand your value. I am here to show you that respect for other's differences is what makes the world a better place. I am here to teach you and model for you how to show love in a world where hate seems to rule. 

You are here to be bigger and stronger than hate. No matter who our "leader" is you will know how to make this world better. You will be lights in our world when there is darkness. 

I voted with you in mind. 
It didn't turn out the way I'd planned...

My two beautiful little girls, you can do and or be anything you want to be in this world. No matter what happens in your lifetime, you are strong, powerful, and capable. Be leaders, be role models, and know that I am proud to call you my own. 

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