Tuesday, June 21, 2016

6 months of being reminded that I have no clue...

Our girls are 6 months old, they have been with us for half of a year! I know that is what 6 months means, but saying half of a year for some reason makes it sound even crazier to me!  Let me be honest the first 4 months were a blur...we kind of just floated through life for all of that time.

Just when we think we have things under control they throw us for a loop and we have to reconfigure. If you know me, you know that I have a slight case of OCD. I was not always this way, but now I sometimes think I should be medicated! I like schedules, checklists, routine, routine, routine. When these things get off track I struggle! Well, these sweet little girls have reminded me of the importance of patients and that knowing how to fix everything, or do everything right the first time doesn't always work, and we still live! Like our family pictures (posted below)...

Ella could make us money as a baby model I swear! Ava was totally not interested in working the camera in the slightest. We worked through it and pulled out Minnie Mouse and turned on her song, and ended up with some super cute pictures. I was real worried at first though but, we went with the flow and it all worked out; no anxiety pills necessary! ;-)

I am proud to say that in 6 months we have had a lot of triumphs and our little birds have come a LONG way! We are fully sleep trained!! We take 3 naps currently and sleep through the night. We are adjusting to this silly teething thing as we get into it more and more. As of now only one nap has been consistently affected.  We are happy girls for the most part, these teeth coming in are really no fun, but even so we are still pleasant.

This was totally not the case at the beginning we had lots of tears then, so happy we have moved past that. (I hope I didn't just jinx us...)

So, life felt really good for a few weeks like, I felt like, "I got this whole mom thing on lock down..."

Then teeth happened and I was gently reminded I have no idea what I am doing. We are taking it a day at a time, sometimes an hour at a time. Thankful for the lovely nurse line at our pediatrician's office, and my wonderful friends for their wisdom, and of course our families for their assistance.

Seriously, they say it takes a village to raise a child, I am gonna say if you are a momma of multiples it takes like 5 villages... ;-)

Ava Bug at 6 months: Rolls both ways, brings legs up and plays with feet, loves looking at her hands and studying things, smiles, chatters, and loves interacting with Ella and Hillis. Ava is getting one bottom tooth popping up. Avie loves her Minnie Mouse like nothing else, and she loves playing on her piano toy. She is getting more and more hair each day, the hair in the back of her head is long and the front is short. When she lays on her side it looks like she has a mullet! (Haha, cutest mullet I've ever seen) Avie is still a Mommy's girl, but that Daddy guy makes her smile pretty big now a'days...We love her more and more everyday and can't wait to see what else she will be doing soon!

Ella Belle at 6 months: Rolls all over the place like a little maniac baby. She is our adventurer that is for sure, she rolls on her tummy, brings her legs, and butt up like she wants to crawl. I am sure that will be happening sooner rather than later. She loves to sit up and is really trying hard to be able to do that on her own but, still needs a prop. If El doesn't have her legs in the air and her toes in and or near her mouth something is wrong! She is just our little mover and shaker. Ella loves Minnie Mouse, and playing in her exer-saucer. She loves flirting with her Daddy with her pretty doe eyes and is the smiliest, giggliest girl in town. We just love our little stinker girl!

So very thankful for two happy and healthy stinkers to love on each day. We are so lucky! <3

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