You were a few hours old, nine years ago today at about this time. The first time they plopped your little bundled bodies on my chest, I felt your weight against me, I could hear your voice, and I could see you! I looked right into your perfect tiny face. Ava was first, with Ella rushing to her side in less than a minute. We were introduced this way, it was like meeting your best friend for the first time. A little awkward and a little unsure of who we were going to be.
Within moments of holding you, I noticed differences in you both, Ava's piercing stare and the roundest, softest cheeks I'd ever seen. Ella had the softest bunny fur hair. I loved rubbing my cheeks against it when I held her. I talked and sang to you and held you. I stared into your precious faces for hours into the night of your birthday.
Meeting you nine years ago was a gift. You are gifts, but in people form. You have gifted me a forever connection that brings me such deep joy and meaning. Watching you grow each year is the absolute most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my life. The greatest part is getting to meet who you become each year. You grow, you learn, and you change so much in a year.
This year has been a year of growth. Both of you have tried new things basketball and cheerleading for Ella and a theater class for Ava. You started in a new school building, with all new teachers. You made new friends. You began to talk about what you value and what you think is important.
Being a part of this growth and change sometimes feels like the first time they plopped you on my chest. Sometimes, we have to stare at each other for a while. Sometimes, we have to talk things out, think things through, and course correct. You know, Mom and daughter meeting each other, both not knowing who we will be. As I grow and change with you, there are so many times I fall short.
I want to give you the gift of true, unwavering love and belonging. I want you to know that it wasn't just "nice to meet you", it was the greatest gift of my life to meet you. Even as we navigate the ever-changing moments and episodes of our years together. I want you to never doubt your place, your voice, and your value in this family. I don't just love you, I like you! You are fun, funny, smart, and generous. I enjoy being with you, and I love talking to you. I love hearing your thoughts and your feelings. That will never change.
It was so nice to meet you nine years ago. I look forward to continue meeting you each year of your lives.
All my love,