7 years ago you were born. Two teeny, tiny babies. 7 years ago I held you for the first time.
The years are flying faster and faster. Year 6 was a big year! We did so many things together. You matured this year into little people. You are both so smart, funny, and fun to be with! I have loved watching you grow this year and experience each day with you.
This year we really wanted to focus on family experiences as well as broadening and finding what interests you. We took trips, went on adventures, and you took all kinds of lessons. This was the year of karate, ice skating, singing lessons, and piano lessons. This was the year where your teeth starting falling out of your head almost monthly! This was the year you learned how to read. We got Max this year and he's become your most loyal companion.
We went to zoos, we went to parks, we went to the library so many times I cannot even count. We took you to Disney World for the first time this year and you rode your first roller coasters! We went to New York City twice this year and saw your first show!
Ella is insistent on wanting to be on a stage. Ella is hilariously funny, and witty, and the most generous soul. Ella is spunky and a masterful storyteller.
Ava has said she'd like to live in New York City and be a Paleontologist at the museum. She also has mentioned being a Taxi driver, or maybe a teacher. Ava is smart, and bright, and eager to learn more. Ava is also funny and a great sister to her siblings.
7 years ago today I turned into a Mother. I turned into a person who lives for these tiny people that look to me for guidance and direction. 7 years ago I started thinking about how to be a parent, what did that look like for me. How did I want to navigate that. We all have different styles, we all have different things that are important to us as we parent. I stumbled and fumbled around in this moment of transition. I thought I knew what it would be like. I thought wrong.
I still stumble and fumble, every day. I still am trying to figure out how to best parent you. All I have figured out in the past 7 years is that, I love this job; mothering. This illusive vision we all have of motherhood, it is depicted as someone who looses herself for everyone else in the family. It's seen as the most selfless act in the name of love. I personally have found that, that vision we might have of what a mother should be, is sad. My mothering journey opened me up, and has awoken my soul in such a different way. This job for me forces me to look at myself, to figure out my flaws, my triggers, and how to deal with myself. This job is hard personal work.
I am a teacher and I enjoy my job very much. If you asked me 7 years ago what my dream job would be, I would defiantly have told you, to have my own classroom where I can make professional decisions and freedom to choose my instruction. It's very interesting that, that is basically the job I have now. I love my job. But, I was not made for it. I worked hard for it. If you asked me what my dream job is now, I would tell you being a mom.
I find joy in learning and being a teacher and working. I find great value in my education and continuing to broaden that. I have goals. I have interests, and friends. I love your Dad and our relationship. I am Meghan still I am just a different version. I am not lost, in fact, I would say that I am finding who I am; a continued work in process.
Where I find peace and joy though, is in being with you, watching you, laughing with you. and listening to you. Giving you experiences, helping you learn about the world, and how our family treats all people. Helping to guide you to know that whatever you choose to be, or enjoy, or whomever you chose to love is your choice. I will always love you and trust your choices because I know your hearts and hope that you will be able to choose a path that suites you and no-one else. Growing up is hard, I hope I can always help you to know who you are and who you want to be, even as you grow into adults.
7 years ago I began to grow into someone I didn't know that I could be. You have given my life the most meaning and joy. Our paths are different but we are both holding each other and growing through them. I will always be here to give you experience and follow your interests. Your beautiful lives are meant for you to live them, and live them well! I hope I can help you do that!
Happy 7th Birthday to my precious twins!
All my love,
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