Monday, December 20, 2021

Growing together

 6 years ago seems like yesterday.

It also feels like, 6 years ago. 

You started school this year. You started ice skating and karate on your own, without the comfort of your other half. I've watched you go, and do. I've listened to a teacher describe you in a whole new light. You are becoming more and more of your own individual selves. It's thrilling to watch. You are thrilling to watch. 

You say things that make me laugh! You say things that make me think harder. You do things that make me proud! Maturity is something that one should not take for granted. Once you have some it's hard to go backward. You are at the age that you want to be "big" you want to do all of the things, and do not understand why, you cannot! Ella has the vocabulary of a grown woman and the attitude as well. Ava's stubbornness and drive are absolutely remarkable. But, you've still only been on this earth for 6 years.

There are moments though, that you are not aware of. There are little moments, when you still are my babies. When you call out for me or your Dad at night. When you get hurt and need me. When you make me things to take to work.

Today, we went to the playground. We were the only ones there. We spent 30 glorious minutes in your fantasy land. There were pirates, trains, snakes, and polar bears! We laughed. We played. We believed. You both grabbed for my hand as we crossed the parking lot back to the car, Jack trotting behind just a step. You're still little, you still want me to play, you still need my hand. 

At bedtime tonight, I told you what I was feeling like 6 years ago. Ava asked, "were you scared?" I replied, "absolutely terrified!"  I met you and in one instant my whole life changed. I went from needing my mom, to needing to be your mom. We are learning our jobs; mother, daughter; together. We do pretty well most days. Other days are hard. We hold each other accountable pretty well. I love you for it! 

6 years ago I kissed your tiny faces for the first time; my life and all of my love was given over to you. Every breath you took, every little thing you did and still do, take my breath away. My life started when yours began. These 6 years have and continue to be the greatest, hardest, most rewarding years of my life. We aren't perfect and being a parent is the hardest job anyone can have. But, even on the hard days and in the hard moments, you have brought me the most joy I've ever known. 

Happy Birthday to my precious 6 year olds! Your lives have already touched so many, you are kind, brave, and bold and have a lifetime of wonder ahead of you! My love for you will always be here, growing as we grow together! 

All my love, 


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