Friday, September 20, 2019

6 months

You came into this world and immediately made everyone in the room stop. They pulled you out with eyes wide open and sweetness pouring out of you. Everyone in the room was amazed by how alert, yet calm you were. You've been continuing to amaze us since.

I worried terribly about adding another baby to our family. I wanted to have a 3rd baby but, we had a really lovely thing going with your sisters. We had a routine, we had an even number, we had a whole lot of love. I didn't know how we could even try to love another baby as much as we love your sisters. 

I met you, I held you, I nuzzled you. You were meant to be mine. Loving you was instant and intense.   You draw people in, in such a crazy way. You are 6 months old for goodness sake. How do you do it?

Everyone that knows you talks about how incredibly sweet and delicious you are. 

These 6 months have been nothing short of perfection. You are the sweetest ending to a mothers love story that I could have ever wished for. I love loving you. I love watching your sisters love you. I love watching all the love that you bring to this family of ours. 

With the passing of time you've grown. You are sitting up by yourself like a champ. You are interacting and playing with your sisters most of the day. You are enjoying food and most anything we offer you. Your pleasantness is the most wonderful thing about you. Although, your thigh rolls come in a close second. 

You get sweeter by the minute. Hopeful that the next 6 months slow down. I am not ready for you to not be a baby anymore. 

I love you so big, you really will never know! 

All my love, 

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