Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Shut up Hillis!

It's been a while since I have posted and as I was thinking about what to post, titles just kept popping into my head.

My blog titles are always connected to stories or the "point" of my posts. As I started jotting these down. I realized that these "titles" needed to have a post of their own. 

"Shut up Hillis!"
This is the title today because yesterday as I was getting dinner on the table Ella, pops her head out the back door and yells at our dog plain as day, "SHUT UP HILLIS!" I laughed out load. To put this into context for some of you; the girls are getting speech therapy services due to a slight delay with their language. Ella can't say her sister's name to save her life but she can say, "Shut up Hillis!" 

Mopped in the tub
While trying to get back into shape a few weeks ago, Josh and I decided it'd be genius to put the girls in the tub and do a quick 15 minute workout while they played. (Our bathroom and bedroom connect so we can see them.) We are roughly half way through and I hear Ava yell, "Mop, Mop, Mop!" Again, we have some speech delays. (In our house mop means poop...) I rush in and ask if Ava needs to poop. She says, "Ella!" I look at Ella and see the "mop" floating in the tub. I say, "Ella why didn't you tell Momma you needed to go potty?" She looks at me smiles and shrugs her shoulders...

1, 2, 3
I count to 3 a lot right now. It works roughly 50% of the time! ;-)

Twin Zone
This is a lot like the Twilight Zone. You really aren't quite certain what is going to happen at any given moment. It is dangerous, hilarious, and seriously like watching something out of a wild animal documentary. 

I've never been a morning person...
These days my body literally wakes me up 30 minutes earlier than everyone. It is the most glorious time of the day. 

 2 is lots of fun, lots of mess, lots of emotion, and lots of love. One day we will read this and laugh, as I reread this now, I question my motherly skills! :)

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